David Fyfe

David Fyfe is a documentary photographer based between Cardiff and Nottingham. His photographic practise typically focuses on economics and outdoor areas, exploring the complex relationships between people and institutions throughout today's social landscape. These projects are often developed into handmade books, allowing the viewer a physical connection to theoretical ideas the work is based on.
In his current project The Works, Fyfe explores the impact of nuclear power station Sellafield’s developments on the nearby town of Whitehaven and the impact of Social Corporate Responsibility at a local level.
In his current project The Works, Fyfe explores the impact of nuclear power station Sellafield’s developments on the nearby town of Whitehaven and the impact of Social Corporate Responsibility at a local level.
Ffotograffydd ddogfennol yw David Fyfe, wedi ei seilio rhwng Caerdydd a Nottingham. Prif ffocws ei arfer ffotograffig yw economeg a’r awyr agored, yn archwilio’r perthnasau cymhleth rhwng bobl a sefydliadau drwy dirwedd gymdeithasol heddiw. Yn aml, caiff y prosiectau eu datblygu i ffoto-lyfrau wedi eu gwneud gan law, gan caniatáu’r darllennydd cysylltiad ffisegol i’r syniadau damcaniaethol sydd yn sail i’r gwaith.
Yn ei waith bresennol The Works, archwilir Fyfe effeithiau datblygiad safle bŵer niwclear Sellafield ar dre Whitehaven ac ardrawiad Cyfrifoldeb Corfforaethol Cymdeithasol ar lefel leol.
Yn ei waith bresennol The Works, archwilir Fyfe effeithiau datblygiad safle bŵer niwclear Sellafield ar dre Whitehaven ac ardrawiad Cyfrifoldeb Corfforaethol Cymdeithasol ar lefel leol.