Elouisa-Jayne Germon

Elouisa-Jayne Germon is a Cardiff-based documentary filmmaker and photographer. Their work stems from a passion for mental health awareness. Through their pictures, they aim to interrogate the stigmas surrounding mental illness and portray often stereotyped subjects through authentic and explorative photography and film. In this way, they hope to represent ‘the best in humanity’, conveying the beauty and fragility within the hidden connections in everyday life.
Their current project Luminance follows a charity group’s pilgrimage to Lourdes, in southern France. Founded in 1956, HCPT (Hosanna House and Children’s Pilgrimage Trust) offers pilgrimage holidays to Lourdes for around 1,000 disabled and disadvantaged children and adults from around the UK and further afield.
Their current project Luminance follows a charity group’s pilgrimage to Lourdes, in southern France. Founded in 1956, HCPT (Hosanna House and Children’s Pilgrimage Trust) offers pilgrimage holidays to Lourdes for around 1,000 disabled and disadvantaged children and adults from around the UK and further afield.
Mae Elouisa-Jayne Germon yn gwneuthurwr ffilm a ffotograffydd ddogfennol wedi lleoli yng Nghaerdydd. Mae ei gwaith yn deillio o angerdd dros ymwybyddiaeth iechyd meddwl. Drwy ei ffotograffiau, mae nhw’n anelu i holi’r stigma sy’n cwmpasu iechyd meddyliol ac i bortreadu themâu sydd yn aml wedi eu hystrydebu drwy ffotograffiaeth a ffilm dilys ac archwiliedig. Yn y ffordd yma, mae nhw’n ceisio cynrychioli ‘gorau dynoliaeth’, gan gyfleu harddwch a breuder y cysylltiadau cydd ym mywyd dyddiol.
Dilynir ei prosiect Luminance pererindod grŵp elusennol i Lourdes yn ne Ffrainc. Wedi ei sefydlu yn 1956, mae HPCT (Hosanna House and Children’s Pilgrimage Trust) yn cynnig teithiau pererindod i Lourdes i tua 1,000 o blant anabl a difreintiedig o’r DU ac ymhellach.
Dilynir ei prosiect Luminance pererindod grŵp elusennol i Lourdes yn ne Ffrainc. Wedi ei sefydlu yn 1956, mae HPCT (Hosanna House and Children’s Pilgrimage Trust) yn cynnig teithiau pererindod i Lourdes i tua 1,000 o blant anabl a difreintiedig o’r DU ac ymhellach.