Madeleine Jones

Madeleine Jones is a photographer from Fleet currently based in Cardiff. Jones holds a deep-seated passion for the different levels of consciousness. This interest is reflected in her work, which serves as a visual representation of this profound study. In her work, Jones draws inspiration from nature, healing, and collaboration, weaving these themes into her photographs. Inspired by her love for poetry, she aims to infuse her work with the flow of emotions deriving from the surrounding world. Curating projects based upon her own experiences, Jones creates delicate representations through her storytelling with detailed attention to the production and publication of her work.
Mae Madeleine Jones yn ffotograffydd o Fleet sydd yn bresennol wedi seilio yng Nghaerdydd. Mae gan Jones angerdd ddwfn dros astudio lefelau gwahanol o ymwybyddiaeth. Caiff y diddordeb hwn ei adlewyrchu yn ei gwaith, sydd yn gweithio fel cynrychiolaeth weledol o’r archwiliad dwys hwn. Yn ei gwaith, mae Jones yn tynnu ysbrydoliaeth o natur, iachau, a chydweithrediad, gan gweu’r themâu hyn drwy ei ffotograffiau. Wedi ysbrydoli gan ei chariad dros farddoniaeth, mae hi’n ceisio trwythi ei gwaith gyda’r llif o emosiynau sy’n cwmpasu’r byd. Drwy curadu prosiectau’n seiliedig ar ei phrofiadau ei hunan, mae Jones yn creu cynrychioliadau eiddil gyda sylw manwl ar gynhyrchiad a chyhoeddiad ei gwaith.