Sotirios Kapetanakis

Sotirios Kapetanakis is a multidisciplinary artist originally hailing from Greece, who combines creativity with technical expertise. His curiosity and proficiency in computers, electronics, and technical systems have significantly shaped his artistic methods. Kapetanakis aims to fuse his documentary photography with his background in electronic technology as well as sound technology engineering and acoustics. His photographic practice is research-based, utilising all his combined knowledge to develop projects that are not only visually compelling but also rich in content and context. As a multidisciplinary artist, Kapetanakis uses his diverse skills to create works that challenge and engage audiences, making complex concepts accessible and visually engaging.
Yn wreiddiol o Roeg, mae Sotirios Kapetanakis yn artist amlddisgyblaethol sydd yn cyfuno creadigedd ac arbenigedd technegol. Mae ei chwilfrydedd a’i hyfedredd gyda chyfrifiaduron, electroneg, a systemau technegol wedi siapio ei arddull artistig. Anelir Kapetanakis i ffiwsio ei ffotograffiaeth ddogfennol gyda’i chefndir yn nhechnoleg trydanol yn ogystal â thechnoleg peirianneg sain ac acwsteg. Mae ei arfer ffotograffig wedi seilio ar ymchwil, gan ddefnyddio ei wybodaeth i greu prosiectau sydd nid yn unig yn weledol cymhellol, ond hefyd yn gyfoethog o ran cynnwys a chyd-destun. Fel artist amlddisgyblaethol, mae Kapetanakis yn defnyddio ei sgiliau eang i greu gweithiau sydd yn herio ei gynulleidfa, gan wneud cysyniadau cymhleth yn hygyrch ac yn weledol atyniadol.